Developing a Virtual Reality Game for Manufacturing Education

This paper describes the development of a virtual reality (VR) simulation game for educating engineering students in manufacturing. Undergraduate engineering students work on solving design and manufacturing problems and utilize professional skills to improve their overall performance and outcome. This research utilizes interactive and immersive VR technologies to develop a new integrated approach to understand problem solving in engineering students and determine if engineering students are attending to the correct elements while they are solving design and manufacturing problems. Furthermore, a player modeling technique is proposed to deliver an experience adapted for each student. The approach will be tested, validated and used to bridge the skills gap that exists for many undergraduate engineering students.



Work Title Developing a Virtual Reality Game for Manufacturing Education
Penn State
  1. Richard Zhao
  2. Faisal Aqlan
  3. Lisa Jo Elliott
  4. Heather Lum
  1. educational game
  2. VR
  3. game
  4. virtual reality
  5. Serious game
  6. player modeling
License All rights reserved
Work Type Conference Proceeding
Deposited September 05, 2019




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added 2019fdg-VR.pdf
  • Added Creator Richard Zhao
  • Added Creator Faisal Aqlan
  • Added Creator Lisa Jo Elliott
  • Added Creator Heather Lum
  • Published
  • Updated