Can intercropping suppress Rhizoctonia root rot of dry beans under mesic and flooded conditions?

Intercropping may be an effective measure of reducing disease in certain species of plant. Inhibition of pathogenesis is increasingly important in relation to climate change and if proven effective, intercropping may be applied to land susceptible to flooding and temperature increase. The effectiveness of intercropping common bean Phaseolus vulgaris alongside Barley, Pepper, Squash, and Kale in mesic and flooded trials to prevent infection by Rhizoctonia solani was assessed in a series of assays. Bean growth was evaluated based on date of emergence, presence of trifoliates, and dry weight of roots and shoots as these factors are indicative of nutrient uptake. Disease rating was also analyzed on a scale of no infection (0) to plants wilted or dead (9). In flooded pots, drainage was reduced and flooding was imitated by leaving pots in water for 48 hours. Recent trials show trends including a reduction in plant growth and emergence in flooded pots in comparison to mesic pots; between intercrop partners, mean disease rating is higher (more infection) and dry weight of roots and shoots is lower except for pepper. Amongst multiple trials, intercropping with barley and squash usually showed a lower level of disease. This suggests that these plants contain factors which impact infection of P. vulgaris by R. solani and may have further application to farming practices affected by climate change.



Work Title Can intercropping suppress Rhizoctonia root rot of dry beans under mesic and flooded conditions?
Open Access
  1. Alika Mattheisen
  2. Khalidah Ballan
  3. Mark Alan Boudreau
  1. Intercropping
  2. Pythium ultimum
  3. Rhizoctonia solani
  4. Phaseolus vulgaris
License No Copyright - U.S.
Work Type Poster
Publication Date 2022
  1. Plant Biology
  2. Agriculture
  1. English
DOI doi:10.26207/gk34-6x61
Deposited February 15, 2023




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Updated
  • Added Creator Alika Mattheisen
  • Added Creator Mark Alan Boudreau
  • Added Creator khalidah ballan
  • Added CSAPoster.BoudreauEdits (1).pptx
  • Deleted CSAPoster.BoudreauEdits (1).pptx
  • Added CSAPoster.pptx
  • Updated License Show Changes
  • Published
  • Updated Creator Mark Alan Boudreau
  • Renamed Creator Khalidah Ballan Show Changes
    • khalidah ballan
    • Khalidah Ballan
  • Updated Keyword Show Changes
    • intercropping, pythium ultimum, rhizoctonia solani, phaseolus vulgaris
    • Intercropping, Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani, Phaseolus vulgaris
  • Updated