Botnets: An In-Depth Investigation

In the movies of today, zombies are an undead creature that infect the living through a bite. In the technological world, a zombie computer is capable of doing the same thing. The purpose of this project was to research botnets and how they operate. Botnets or zombie computers are now regarded as the most dangerous type of malware, even though many people aren’t aware they even exist. A botnet is a virus that usually enters a computer through a vulnerable port, in the form of a Trojan Horse. The virus then sits in the computer waiting for activation. Once ready, the controller, or Botmaster, can send a single Botmaster, command. This can force the controlled computers to send out spam, for profit, or patriciate in a DDos attack. Throughout this project, the simulation environment Omnet++ was used in an attempt to simulate a botnet attack and attempt to find a way to track down a potential Botmaster.

Presented at the Abington College Undergraduate Research Activities (ACURA) Poster Fair.



Work Title Botnets: An In-Depth Investigation
Open Access
  1. Evan Gannon
  2. Maryam Roshanaei
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Poster
Publication Date 2015
Deposited June 06, 2024




This resource is currently not in any collection.

Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Updated
  • Updated Description, Publication Date Show Changes
    • In the movies of today, zombies are an undead creature that infect the living through a bite. In the technological world, a zombie computer is capable of doing the same thing. The purpose of this project was to research botnets and how they operate. Botnets or zombie computers are now regarded as the most dangerous type of malware, even though many people aren’t aware they even exist. A botnet is a virus that usually enters a computer through a vulnerable port, in the form of a Trojan Horse. The virus then sits in the computer waiBng for acBvaBon. Once ready, the controller, or Botmaster, can send a single acBvaBon command. This can force the controlled computers to send out spam, for profit, or parBcipate in a DDos aFack. Throughout this project, the simulaBon environment Omnet++ was used in an aFempt to simulate a botnet aFack and aFempt to find a way to track down a potenBal Botmaster.
    Publication Date
    • 2015
  • Added Creator Maryam Roshanaei
  • Added Creator Evan Gannon
  • Added Final Acura Poster.pdf
  • Updated License Show Changes
  • Published

Version 2

  • Created
  • Updated Work Title Show Changes
    Work Title
    • Technology 24/7
    • Botnets: An In-Depth Inves4ga4on
  • Published

Version 3

  • Created
  • Updated Work Title Show Changes
    Work Title
    • Botnets: An In-Depth Inves4ga4on
    • Botnets: An In-Depth Investigation
  • Updated Description Show Changes
    • In the movies of today, zombies are an undead creature that infect the living through a bite. In the technological world, a zombie computer is capable of doing the same thing. The purpose of this project was to research botnets and how they operate. Botnets or zombie computers are now regarded as the most dangerous type of malware, even though many people aren’t aware they even exist. A botnet is a virus that usually enters a computer through a vulnerable port, in the form of a Trojan Horse. The virus then sits in the computer waiBng for acBvaBon. Once ready, the controller, or Botmaster, can send a single acBvaBon command. This can force the controlled computers to send out spam, for profit, or parBcipate in a DDos aFack. Throughout this project, the simulaBon environment Omnet++ was used in an aFempt to simulate a botnet aFack and aFempt to find a way to track down a potenBal Botmaster.
    • In the movies of today, zombies are an undead creature that infect the living through a bite. In the technological world, a zombie computer is capable of doing the same thing. The purpose of this project was to research botnets and how they operate. Botnets or zombie computers are now regarded as the most dangerous type of malware, even though many people aren’t aware they even exist. A botnet is a virus that usually enters a computer through a vulnerable port, in the form of a Trojan Horse. The virus then sits in the computer waiting for activation. Once ready, the controller, or Botmaster, can send a single Botmaster, command. This can force the controlled computers to send out spam, for profit, or patriciate in a DDos attack. Throughout this project, the simulation environment Omnet++ was used in an attempt to simulate a botnet attack and attempt to find a way to track down a potential Botmaster.
  • Published
  • Updated
  • Updated Description Show Changes
    • In the movies of today, zombies are an undead creature that infect the living through a bite. In the technological world, a zombie computer is capable of doing the same thing. The purpose of this project was to research botnets and how they operate. Botnets or zombie computers are now regarded as the most dangerous type of malware, even though many people aren’t aware they even exist. A botnet is a virus that usually enters a computer through a vulnerable port, in the form of a Trojan Horse. The virus then sits in the computer waiting for activation. Once ready, the controller, or Botmaster, can send a single Botmaster, command. This can force the controlled computers to send out spam, for profit, or patriciate in a DDos attack. Throughout this project, the simulation environment Omnet++ was used in an attempt to simulate a botnet attack and attempt to find a way to track down a potential Botmaster.
    • In the movies of today, zombies are an undead creature that infect the living through a bite. In the technological world, a zombie computer is capable of doing the same thing. The purpose of this project was to research botnets and how they operate. Botnets or zombie computers are now regarded as the most dangerous type of malware, even though many people aren’t aware they even exist. A botnet is a virus that usually enters a computer through a vulnerable port, in the form of a Trojan Horse. The virus then sits in the computer waiting for activation. Once ready, the controller, or Botmaster, can send a single Botmaster, command. This can force the controlled computers to send out spam, for profit, or patriciate in a DDos attack. Throughout this project, the simulation environment Omnet++ was used in an attempt to simulate a botnet attack and attempt to find a way to track down a potential Botmaster.
    • Presented at the Abington College Undergraduate Research Activities (ACURA) Poster Fair.
  • Updated Creator Maryam Roshanaei
  • Updated Creator Evan Gannon