Novel Crash Sled with a Translating Support Mass

Background A novel crash sled has been developed with a translating support incorporating transducers that allow multiple methods of measuring energy absorption to fully characterize the dynamic crush response of composite components.

Objective The main goal of the current investigation was to demonstrate functionality, repeatability, and accuracy of crush testing using a crash sled with a translating support mass.

Methods A semi-automated algorithm for data reduction was developed based on impact mechanics principles. A preliminary set of tests was initially conducted using aluminum honeycomb specimens with a specified stable crushing force to quantify the accuracy and repeatability of the crush data. Following the success of these tests, triaxially-braided fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) specimens were evaluated.

Results Crush tests with the aluminum honeycomb specimens showed excellent outcomes for all three specimens. These data provided close agreement with cumulative energy absorption between individual instruments and stable crushing forces at expected values. For the FRP specimens, specific energy absorption (SEA) and force-displacement curves were successfully measured; however, data from the translating support mass accelerometer were excluded from the dataset due to clipping. The SEA of the corrugated specimens was greater than the SEA for the C-channel specimens at both test speeds.

Conclusions The crash sled functionality was verified, the specimen geometry was found to contribute more to SEA than the impact speed in the speed range tested, and the support mass accelerometer will be upgraded to prevent clipping in future tests.

This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at:



Work Title Novel Crash Sled with a Translating Support Mass
Open Access
  1. R. T. Haluza
  2. C. R. Ruggeri
  3. J. M. Pereira
  4. S. G. Miller
  5. C. E. Bakis
  6. K. L. Koudela
  1. Crash sled
  2. Crush behavior
  3. Energy absorption
  4. Fiber composite
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Publication Date January 18, 2022
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
  1. 10.1007/s11340-021-00812-8
  1. Experimental Mechanics
Deposited June 17, 2022




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added Haluza et al on crash rig-ExpMech2022(postprint)-1.pdf
  • Added Creator R. T. Haluza
  • Added Creator C. R. Ruggeri
  • Added Creator J. M. Pereira
  • Added Creator S. G. Miller
  • Added Creator C. E. Bakis
  • Added Creator K. L. Koudela
  • Published
  • Updated Keyword, Description Show Changes
    • Crash sled, Crush behavior, Energy absorption, Fiber composite
    • Background
    • A novel crash sled has been developed with a translating support incorporating transducers that allow multiple methods of measuring energy absorption to fully characterize the dynamic crush response of composite components.
    • Objective
    • The main goal of the current investigation was to demonstrate functionality, repeatability, and accuracy of crush testing using a crash sled with a translating support mass.
    • Methods
    • A semi-automated algorithm for data reduction was developed based on impact mechanics principles. A preliminary set of tests was initially conducted using aluminum honeycomb specimens with a specified stable crushing force to quantify the accuracy and repeatability of the crush data. Following the success of these tests, triaxially-braided fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) specimens were evaluated.
    • Results
    • Crush tests with the aluminum honeycomb specimens showed excellent outcomes for all three specimens. These data provided close agreement with cumulative energy absorption between individual instruments and stable crushing forces at expected values. For the FRP specimens, specific energy absorption (SEA) and force-displacement curves were successfully measured; however, data from the translating support mass accelerometer were excluded from the dataset due to clipping. The SEA of the corrugated specimens was greater than the SEA for the C-channel specimens at both test speeds.
    • Conclusions
    • Background
    • A novel crash sled has been developed with a translating support incorporating transducers that allow multiple methods of measuring energy absorption to fully characterize the dynamic crush response of composite components.
    • Objective
    • The main goal of the current investigation was to demonstrate functionality, repeatability, and accuracy of crush testing using a crash sled with a translating support mass.
    • Methods
    • A semi-automated algorithm for data reduction was developed based on impact mechanics principles. A preliminary set of tests was initially conducted using aluminum honeycomb specimens with a specified stable crushing force to quantify the accuracy and repeatability of the crush data. Following the success of these tests, triaxially-braided fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) specimens were evaluated.
    • Results
    • Crush tests with the aluminum honeycomb specimens showed excellent outcomes for all three specimens. These data provided close agreement with cumulative energy absorption between individual instruments and stable crushing forces at expected values. For the FRP specimens, specific energy absorption (SEA) and force-displacement curves were successfully measured; however, data from the translating support mass accelerometer were excluded from the dataset due to clipping. The SEA of the corrugated specimens was greater than the SEA for the C-channel specimens at both test speeds.
    • Conclusions
    • The crash sled functionality was verified, the specimen geometry was found to contribute more to SEA than the impact speed in the speed range tested, and the support mass accelerometer will be upgraded to prevent clipping in future tests.
  • Updated Work Title Show Changes
    Work Title
    • Novel Crash Sled with a Translating Support Mass
    • ! Novel Crash Sled with a Translating Support Mass
  • Updated Work Title Show Changes
    Work Title
    • ! Novel Crash Sled with a Translating Support Mass
    • Novel Crash Sled with a Translating Support Mass
  • Updated