Using Stakeholder Theory to Examine Drivers' Stake in Uber

Uber is a ride-sharing platform that is part of the `gig-economy,' where the platform supports and coordinates a labor market in which there are a large number of ephemeral, piecemeal jobs. Despite numerous efforts to understand the impacts of these platforms and their algorithms on Uber drivers, how to better serve and support drivers with these platforms remains an open challenge. In this paper, we frame Uber through the lens of Stakeholder Theory to highlight drivers' position in the workplace, which helps inform the design of a more ethical and effective platform. To this end, we analyzed Uber drivers' forum discussions about their lived experiences of working with the Uber platform. We identify and discuss the impact of the stakes that drivers have in relation to both the Uber corporation and their passengers, and look at how these stakes impact both the platform and drivers' practices.



Work Title Using Stakeholder Theory to Examine Drivers' Stake in Uber
Penn State
  1. NING F. MA
  1. Platform
  2. On-demand Work
  3. Uber
  4. Human Computer Interaction
  5. Stakeholder Theory
  6. Rideshare
  7. Gig Economy
  8. Computer Supported Cooperative Work
License All rights reserved
Work Type Conference Proceeding
Deposited April 06, 2018




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  • Added uber_paper.pdf
  • Added Creator NING F. MA
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