On the utility of linear and nonlinear ultrasound for evaluating microstructure-property relationships in laser powder bed fusion 316L stainless steel

Given the complexity and potential for variability in components fabricated with metal additive manufacturing, the need for efficient, reliable, and nondestructive quality assurance is imperative for advancing its utilization in industry. Here, linear and nonlinear ultrasonic testing is used to nondestructively link microscale features and mechanical properties of 21 distinctly-printed AISI 316 L stainless steel samples manufactured by laser powder bed fusion. Groups of samples were heat-treated to induce microstructural changes under as-built, 600 °C, 900 °C, and 1100 °C conditions. While a linear ultrasonic parameter, wave speed, could not completely differentiate the evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties during heat treatment, the relative acoustic nonlinearity parameter β′ measured with second harmonic generation demonstrated sensitivity to incremental changes induced by heat treatment including ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, dislocation density, and the presence of oxide inclusions. Precise resonance frequency measurements were obtained using a fully noncontact configuration, and shifts in resonance frequency with heat treatment were connected to changes in average grain area and partial recrystallization. The large number of samples and high volume of ultrasonic testing in this study provide insight into part and measurement variability, which is key in demonstrating the feasibility of ultrasonic evaluation as the nondestructive solution for additively manufactured parts qualification.



Work Title On the utility of linear and nonlinear ultrasound for evaluating microstructure-property relationships in laser powder bed fusion 316L stainless steel
Penn State
  1. Colin Williams
  2. Matt Lear
  3. Parisa Shokouhi
  1. Laser powder bed fusion
  2. Nonlinear ultrasonic testing
  3. Ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation
  4. Second harmonic generation
  5. Microstructure
  6. Quality assurance
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. Additive Manufacturing
Publication Date June 2023
  1. Nondestructive Evaluation and Testing
  2. Additive Manufacturing
  3. Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation
  1. English
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
  1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2023.103653
Deposited June 21, 2023




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Updated
  • Added Creator Colin Williams
  • Added Creator Matt Lear
  • Added Creator Parisa Shokouhi
  • Added Williams et al AM.pdf
  • Updated Publication Date, License Show Changes
    Publication Date
    • 2023-6
    • 2023-06
    • https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/
  • Published
  • Updated Keyword, Publisher Show Changes
    • laser powder bed fusion, nonlinear ultrasonic testing, ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation, second harmonic generation, microstructure, quality assurance
    • Laser powder bed fusion, Nonlinear ultrasonic testing, Ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation, Second harmonic generation, Microstructure, Quality assurance
    • Elsevier
    • Additive Manufacturing
  • Updated