The Development and Expansion of in vivo Germline Editing Technologies in Arthropods: Receptor-Mediated Ovary Transduction of Cargo (ReMOT Control) and Beyond

In the past 20 y ears, sequencin g te chnolog ies have le d t o easy access t o geno mic data fro m no nmodel o r ganism s in a l l biolog ica l rea lm s. In sect g enet ic manipu lat ion, how ev er, con tin ues to be a cha l len g e due to various facto rs, incl uding tech- nical an d cost-re lated is s ues. Tradi tio nal t ec hniques suc h as microinj e ct ion of gene-e dit in g v ect or s int o e arly st ag e embry os h ave been u sed f or a rthrop o d tran sg en esis an d th e discovery of C lustere d regu larly int er sp ace d short p a lindr omic r epeats and CRISP R-as sociat ed prot ein (CRISPR-Cas) t ec hnologies allowed for tar g eted mutag en esis an d th e creatio n o f knockou ts o r knock-ins in arthro pods. Recep t or-Mediat ed Ovary Transd uctio n o f Car g o (ReM OT Control) acts as a n a lternat ive to embry- o nic micro inj e ct ions, which re quire expen siv e equi p m ent an d exten siv e h and s-on training . R eMOT Control's main advantage is its ease of use coupled with the ab ili ty to hypothet ica l ly tar g et any vitellog enic spe cies, as inj e ct ions ar e administer ed to t he eg g- l ay ing ad ul t rat her t h an embryos. A fter i ts ini t ia l a pplica tion in the mosquit o Ae des ae gypt i , ReM OT Control h a s s ucces sfully p rod uced mu tants not o nly fo r mosqui toes bu t fo r mul ti ple arthrop o d sp ecies from diverse order s, suc h as tic ks, mit es, wasps, be etles, and t rue bugs, an d is being exten ded to crust ace an s, demon st rat ing the versat i li ty o f the t ec hnique . In this re vie w, we di scu ss the current state of ReMOT Control from its proof-of-concept to the advances and cha l len g es in the a pplica tion across species after 5 years since i ts develop ment, incl udin g nov el exten sion s of the t ec hnique suc h as dire ct p arenta l (DIPA)-CRISPR.



Work Title The Development and Expansion of in vivo Germline Editing Technologies in Arthropods: Receptor-Mediated Ovary Transduction of Cargo (ReMOT Control) and Beyond
Open Access
  1. Gerard Terradas
  2. Vanessa M. Macias
  3. Hillary Peterson
  4. Sage Mckeand
  5. Grzegorz Krawczyk
  6. Jason L. Rasgon
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. Integrative and Comparative Biology
Publication Date December 1, 2023
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
Deposited August 19, 2024




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added icad123__2_.pdf
  • Added Creator Gerard Terradas
  • Added Creator Vanessa M. Macias
  • Added Creator Hillary Peterson
  • Added Creator Sage Mckeand
  • Added Creator Grzegorz Krawczyk
  • Added Creator Jason L. Rasgon
  • Published
  • Updated