The Development and Expansion of in vivo Germline Editing Technologies in Arthropods: Receptor-Mediated Ovary Transduction of Cargo (ReMOT Control) and Beyond
In the past 20 y ears, sequencin g te chnolog ies have le d t o easy access t o geno mic data fro m no nmodel o r ganism s in a l l biolog ica l rea lm s. In sect g enet ic manipu lat ion, how ev er, con tin ues to be a cha l len g e due to various facto rs, incl uding tech- nical an d cost-re lated is s ues. Tradi tio nal t ec hniques suc h as microinj e ct ion of gene-e dit in g v ect or s int o e arly st ag e embry os h ave been u sed f or a rthrop o d tran sg en esis an d th e discovery of C lustere d regu larly int er sp ace d short p a lindr omic r epeats and CRISP R-as sociat ed prot ein (CRISPR-Cas) t ec hnologies allowed for tar g eted mutag en esis an d th e creatio n o f knockou ts o r knock-ins in arthro pods. Recep t or-Mediat ed Ovary Transd uctio n o f Car g o (ReM OT Control) acts as a n a lternat ive to embry- o nic micro inj e ct ions, which re quire expen siv e equi p m ent an d exten siv e h and s-on training . R eMOT Control's main advantage is its ease of use coupled with the ab ili ty to hypothet ica l ly tar g et any vitellog enic spe cies, as inj e ct ions ar e administer ed to t he eg g- l ay ing ad ul t rat her t h an embryos. A fter i ts ini t ia l a pplica tion in the mosquit o Ae des ae gypt i , ReM OT Control h a s s ucces sfully p rod uced mu tants not o nly fo r mosqui toes bu t fo r mul ti ple arthrop o d sp ecies from diverse order s, suc h as tic ks, mit es, wasps, be etles, and t rue bugs, an d is being exten ded to crust ace an s, demon st rat ing the versat i li ty o f the t ec hnique . In this re vie w, we di scu ss the current state of ReMOT Control from its proof-of-concept to the advances and cha l len g es in the a pplica tion across species after 5 years since i ts develop ment, incl udin g nov el exten sion s of the t ec hnique suc h as dire ct p arenta l (DIPA)-CRISPR.
Work Title | The Development and Expansion of in vivo Germline Editing Technologies in Arthropods: Receptor-Mediated Ovary Transduction of Cargo (ReMOT Control) and Beyond |
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License | In Copyright (Rights Reserved) |
Work Type | Article |
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Publication Date | December 1, 2023 |
Publisher Identifier (DOI) |
Deposited | August 19, 2024 |
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