Plasticity and fracture behavior of Inconel 625 manufactured by laser powder bed fusion: comparison between as-built and stress relieved conditions
In this study, the influence of stress relief on the plasticity and fracture behavior of Inconel 625 fabricated through laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing (AM) was investigated. The as-built versus stress relieved microstructures were compared, showing similar grain structures but the presence of ~10 vol % δ phase in the stress relieved condition, and no δ phase in the as-built condition. Mechanical tests under plane strain tension were performed on the stress relieved samples, and an anisotropic plasticity model was calibrated and validated using finite element simulations. Uniaxial and notched tension tests were performed on both as-built and stress relieved samples to probe the effect of stress relief on stress state- and direction-dependent fracture behavior. It was found that on average, the fracture strain of the stress relieved samples along the build direction was 30% higher than that along the perpendicular build direction in the stress state range studied, and the stress relief heat treatment resulted in a 45% decrease in fracture strain. The fracture strain in stress relieved samples was more strongly dependent on stress state than in as-built samples.
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Work Title | Plasticity and fracture behavior of Inconel 625 manufactured by laser powder bed fusion: comparison between as-built and stress relieved conditions |
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License | CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) |
Work Type | Article |
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Publication Date | March 2021 |
Publisher Identifier (DOI) |
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Deposited | September 09, 2021 |
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