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Added Creator Jordan C. Rozum
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Work Title, Subtitle, Related URLs, and 1 more
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October 02, 2023 13:11
Work Title
- pystablemotifs: Python library for attractor identification and control in Boolean networks
Python library for attractor identification and control in Boolean networks
Related URLs
- https://github.com/jcrozum/pystablemotifs/
Publication Date
October 02, 2023 13:17
<p>Summary: pystablemotifs is a Python 3 library for analyzing Boolean networks. Its non-heuristic and exhaustive attractor identification algorithm was previously presented in Rozum et al. (2021). Here, we illustrate its performance improvements over similar methods and discuss how it uses outputs of the attractor identification process to drive a system to one of its attractors from any initial state. We implement six attractor control algorithms, five of which are new in this work. By design, these algorithms can return different control strategies, allowing for synergistic use. We also give a brief overview of the other tools implemented in pystablemotifs. </p>
- <p>Summary: pystablemotifs is a Python 3 library for analyzing Boolean networks. Its non-heuristic and exhaustive attractor identification algorithm was previously presented in Rozum et al. (2021). Here, we illustrate its performance improvements over similar methods and discuss how it uses outputs of the attractor identification process to drive a system to one of its attractors from any initial state. We implement six attractor control algorithms, five of which are new in this work. By design, these algorithms can return different control strategies, allowing for synergistic use. We also give a brief overview of the other tools implemented in pystablemotifs. </p> Availability and implementation:
- The source code is on GitHub at https://github.com/jcrozum/pystablemotifs/.
- Supplementary information:
- Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
October 02, 2023 13:17
<p>Summary: pystablemotifs is a Python 3 library for analyzing Boolean networks. Its non-heuristic and exhaustive attractor identification algorithm was previously presented in Rozum et al. (2021). Here, we illustrate its performance improvements over similar methods and discuss how it uses outputs of the attractor identification process to drive a system to one of its attractors from any initial state. We implement six attractor control algorithms, five of which are new in this work. By design, these algorithms can return different control strategies, allowing for synergistic use. We also give a brief overview of the other tools implemented in pystablemotifs. </p> Availability and implementation:
- <p>Summary: pystablemotifs is a Python 3 library for analyzing Boolean networks. Its non-heuristic and exhaustive attractor identification algorithm was previously presented in Rozum et al. (2021). Here, we illustrate its performance improvements over similar methods and discuss how it uses outputs of the attractor identification process to drive a system to one of its attractors from any initial state. We implement six attractor control algorithms, five of which are new in this work. By design, these algorithms can return different control strategies, allowing for synergistic use. We also give a brief overview of the other tools implemented in pystablemotifs. </p>
- Availability and implementation:
- The source code is on GitHub at https://github.com/jcrozum/pystablemotifs/.
- Supplementary information:
- Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
April 04, 2024 10:21
[unknown user]