Closing the Loop on Cognitive Radar for Spectrum Sharing

We investigate three emerging topics essential for the development of cognitive radar (CR) for spectrum sharing: the response time (RT) of the CR, the autonomous regulation of the perception-action cycle (PAC), and the regulation of cognition. The RT measures the latency of all algorithms/hardware and is examined with respect to enabling capabilities of software-defined systems for rapid flexibility and responsiveness. The autonomous regulation of the PAC determines how fast the CR can interact with the environment as well as how fast the CR should interact with the environment. The regulation of the PAC is explored with respect to pulse-to-pulse waveform agility to coexist successfully with dynamic radio frequency emitters in the ambient electromagnetic environment (EME) and the consequence of modifying the waveform within the coherent processing interval. Finally, the regulation of cognition determines how to select a particular CR technique appropriately for a given dynamic environment. This selection requires a high level, or metadecision process to identify the appropriate CR technique as the EME changes over time and we therefore concentrate discussion on the newly emerging topic for radar called metacognitive radar. The exploration of these three topics include a review of past and current research with discussion of possible future research.

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Work Title Closing the Loop on Cognitive Radar for Spectrum Sharing
Open Access
  1. Anthony F. Martone
  2. Kelly D. Sherbondy
  3. Jacob A. Kovarskiy
  4. Benjamin H. Kirk
  5. Ram M. Narayanan
  6. Charles E. Thornton
  7. R. Michael Buehrer
  8. Jonathan W. Owen
  9. Brandon Ravenscroft
  10. Shannon Blunt
  11. Austin Egbert
  12. Adam Goad
  13. Charles Baylis
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine
Publication Date September 9, 2021
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
Deposited November 23, 2021




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added Closing_the_Loop_on_Cognitive_Radar_for_Spectrum_Sharing.pdf
  • Added Creator Anthony F. Martone
  • Added Creator Kelly D. Sherbondy
  • Added Creator Jacob A. Kovarskiy
  • Added Creator Benjamin H. Kirk
  • Added Creator Ram M. Narayanan
  • Added Creator Charles E. Thornton
  • Added Creator R. Michael Buehrer
  • Added Creator Jonathan W. Owen
  • Added Creator Brandon Ravenscroft
  • Added Creator Shannon Blunt
  • Added Creator Austin Egbert
  • Added Creator Adam Goad
  • Added Creator Charles Baylis
  • Published
  • Updated
  • Updated
  • Updated