Computer Engineering Citations

This study attempted to locate engineering dissertation citations in Google Scholar, Compendex, and Scopus Researchers are Carmen Cole, Angela R Davis, Vanessa Eyer, and John J Meier The researchers searched in Proquest Digital Dissertations as a source, searching only for 2016 doctoral dissertations in the U.S. limiting full text reference lists only Subject headings for 9 engineering disciplines were used to search. From the results, the URLs of all reference lists were saved Robert Olendorf created a script to extract all citations from the reference list webpage URLs The data were retrieved using a R script The folder "data/web_pages/" contains all HTML pages downloaded from Proquest The folder "data/" contains a .csv file of all citations with the four digital numeral extracted by the R script The file "GoogleScholarData.csv" contains 20 randomly sampled from each of the 9 subjects over 7 decades (1260 data records) Each record in the file is a comma deliminated data element containing the following fields Unique is a unique identifier for each record Subject is the engineering field of the dissertation Citation is a full text citation in quotes "" citation from a randomly sampled dissertation in the subject Year is the year extracted by a script from the record (not error checked) Format is the type of reference (Book, Conference, Journal, Other) assigned by the researchers Google Scholar contains a F if the citation was found in Google Scholar, C for a partial record, and N for not found Compendex contains a F if the citation was found in Compendex, C for a partial record, and N for not found Scopus contains a F if the citation was found in Scopus, C for a partial record, and N for not found


Eyer, Vanessa Lyn; Davis, Angela Rae; Cole, Carmen; Meier, John J (2018). Computer Engineering Citations [Data set]. Scholarsphere.



Work Title Computer Engineering Citations
Open Access
  1. Vanessa Eyer
  2. Angela R Davis
  3. Carmen Cole
  4. John J Meier
  1. Bibliometrics
License CC BY 4.0 (Attribution)
Work Type Dataset
  1. Robert Olendorf
Publication Date 2018
Deposited August 10, 2018




Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added Creator John J Meier
  • Added Creator Carmen Cole
  • Added Creator Angela R Davis
  • Added Creator Vanessa Eyer
  • Updated Work Title, Publication Date Show Changes
    Work Title
    • Computer_engineering_data.csv
    • Computer Engineering Citations
    Publication Date
    • 2018
  • Updated Acknowledgments Show Changes
    • Robert Olendorf
  • Updated Creator Vanessa Eyer
  • Updated Creator Angela R Davis
  • Updated Creator Carmen Cole
  • Updated Creator John J Meier
  • Added Computer_engineering_data.csv
  • Updated License Show Changes
  • Published
  • Updated
  • Updated
  • Updated