Registered report

Anxiety and eating disorders (EDs) often co-occur, prompting calls to explore anxiety-related maintenance processes in ED samples. Safety behaviors, which function to prevent a feared outcome from occurring or to reduce anxiety associated with a feared stimulus, are observed across anxiety disorders and, along with overt avoidance behaviors, are an important target in treatment. Data suggest that individuals with EDs also engage in safety behaviors. However, no existing assessments provide a comprehensive measure of eating-disorder-specific overt avoidance and safety behaviors. The goal of this Stage 1 Registered Report is to develop a comprehensive self-report measure of ED-specific safety behaviors. In Study 1, we will recruit 50 women with EDs to complete the scale and provide feedback on the response scale. Feedback from these participants will be used to refine the measure. In Study 2, we will evaluate the psychometric properties of the measure in a large sample of women with EDs (n dependent on the size of measurement) and a community sample without current or a history of ED symptoms. We will explore the measure factor structure, known-groups validity by comparing scores from women with EDs to healthy controls, internal consistency, and convergent and divergent validity with other psychological instruments.



Work Title Registered report
Subtitle Initial development and validation of the eating disorders safety behavior scale
Open Access
  1. Erin E. Reilly
  2. Brittany Bohrer
  3. Daniel Sullivan
  4. Jamal H. Essayli
  5. Nicholas R. Farrell
  6. Tiffany A. Brown
  7. Sasha Gorrell
  8. Lisa M. Anderson
  9. Marita Cooper
  10. Colleen C. Schreyer
  11. Olenka Olesnycky
  12. Olivia Peros
  13. Katherine Schaumberg
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. International Journal of Eating Disorders
Publication Date April 1, 2021
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
Deposited July 23, 2021




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added Reilly_2021.pdf
  • Added Creator Erin E. Reilly
  • Added Creator Brittany Bohrer
  • Added Creator Daniel Sullivan
  • Added Creator Jamal H. Essayli
  • Added Creator Nicholas R. Farrell
  • Added Creator Tiffany A. Brown
  • Added Creator Sasha Gorrell
  • Added Creator Lisa M. Anderson
  • Added Creator Marita Cooper
  • Added Creator Colleen C. Schreyer
  • Added Creator Olenka Olesnycky
  • Added Creator Olivia Peros
  • Added Creator Katherine Schaumberg
  • Published
  • Updated
  • Updated
  • Updated