Google Scholar Data

This study attempted to locate engineering dissertation citations in Google Scholar, Compendex, and Scopus Researchers are Carmen Cole, Angela R Davis, Vanessa Eyer, and John J Meier The researchers searched in Proquest Digital Dissertations as a source, searching only for 2016 doctoral dissertations in the U.S. limiting full text reference lists only Subject headings for 9 engineering disciplines were used to search. From the results, the URLs of all reference lists were saved Robert Olendorf created a script to extract all citations from the reference list webpage URLs The data were retrieved using a R script The folder "data/web_pages/" contains all HTML pages downloaded from Proquest The folder "data/" contains a .csv file of all citations with the four digital numeral extracted by the R script The file "GoogleScholarData.csv" contains 20 randomly sampled from each of the 9 subjects over 7 decades (1260 data records) Each record in the file is a comma deliminated data element containing the following fields Unique is a unique identifier for each record Subject is the engineering field of the dissertation Citation is a full text citation in quotes "" citation from a randomly sampled dissertation in the subject Year is the year extracted by a script from the record (not error checked) Format is the type of reference (Book, Conference, Journal, Other) assigned by the researchers Google Scholar contains a F if the citation was found in Google Scholar, C for a partial record, and N for not found Compendex contains a F if the citation was found in Compendex, C for a partial record, and N for not found Scopus contains a F if the citation was found in Scopus, C for a partial record, and N for not found


Meier, John; Davis, Angela Rae; Eyer, Vanessa Lyn (2018). Google Scholar Data [Data set]. Scholarsphere.



Work Title Google Scholar Data
Open Access
  1. John Meier
  2. Angela Rae Davis
  3. Vanessa Lyn Eyer
  1. scholastic databases
  2. Bibliometrics
  3. html parsing
License CC BY 4.0 (Attribution)
Work Type Dataset
  1. Robert Olendorf
Publication Date 2018
DOI doi:10.18113/S13G9P
Related URLs
Deposited March 15, 2018




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added README.txt
  • Added
  • Added Creator John Meier
  • Added Creator Angela Rae Davis
  • Added Creator Vanessa Lyn Eyer
  • Published
  • Updated
  • Updated
  • Updated