First record of ambrosiophilus atratus (Eichhoff 1875) Feeding on Oak (Quercus L.) in North America

Ambrosiophilus atratus (Eichhoff 1875) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are ambrosia beetles native to southeast China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan and are adventive in North America. They were first found in 1988 in five states (Atkinson et al 1990) and are now present throughout the eastern United States and Canada from Ontario and Nova Scotia, south to Florida, west through Michigan, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Ambrosiophilus atratus is highly polyphagous and recorded from oaks in Asia, so finding it in a North American oak is unsurprising. Nevertheless, this represents the first record of A. atratus colonizing Quercus in North America.



Work Title First record of ambrosiophilus atratus (Eichhoff 1875) Feeding on Oak (Quercus L.) in North America
Open Access
  1. Michael Skvarla
  2. Marc DiGirolomo
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Publication Date August 6, 2019
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
Deposited March 18, 2024




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added Ambrosiophilus_oak_record_2.0_-_changes_accepted.docx
  • Added Creator Michael Skvarla
  • Added Creator Marc Digirolomo
  • Published
  • Updated Description, Publication Date Show Changes
    • Ambrosiophilus atratus (Eichhoff 1875) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are ambrosia beetles native to southeast China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan and are adventive in North America. They were first found in 1988 in five states (Atkinson et al 1990) and are now present throughout the eastern United States and Canada from Ontario and Nova Scotia, south to Florida, west through Michigan, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Ambrosiophilus atratus is highly polyphagous and recorded from oaks in Asia, so finding it in a North American oak is unsurprising. Nevertheless, this represents the first record of A. atratus colonizing Quercus in North America.
    • _Ambrosiophilus atratus_ (Eichhoff 1875) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are ambrosia beetles native to southeast China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan and are adventive in North America. They were first found in 1988 in five states (Atkinson et al 1990) and are now present throughout the eastern United States and Canada from Ontario and Nova Scotia, south to Florida, west through Michigan, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. _Ambrosiophilus atratus_ is highly polyphagous and recorded from oaks in Asia, so finding it in a North American oak is unsurprising. Nevertheless, this represents the first record of A. atratus colonizing Quercus in North America.
    Publication Date
    • 2019-07-01
    • 2019-08-06
  • Renamed Creator Marc DiGirolomo Show Changes
    • Marc Digirolomo
    • Marc DiGirolomo
  • Updated