XLIII. Long-range Alpha Particles from Thorium. By Sir Ernest Rutherford, F.R.S., and A. B. Wood, M.Sc, Lecturer in Physics, University of Liverpool [Communicated by the Authors.]. IN the course of an examination of a strong source of the active deposit of thorium by the scintillation method, one of us observed the presence of a small number of bright scintillations which were able to penetrate through a thickness of matter corresponding to 11*3 cm. of air at 760 mm. and 15° C. These scintillations were undoubtedly due to alpha particles and of greater velocity than any previously observed; for the swiftest alpha particles hitherto known, viz. those from thorium C, have a range in air of 8*6 cm. The number of these long-range alpha particles is only a small fraction of the total number emitted by the source. The actual number of long-range particles decreased exponentially with time, falling to half value in 106 hours — the normal period of decay of the active deposit of thorium. Owing to the pressure of other work, the experiments were kindly repeated and extended by Mr. A. B. Wood, who examined in detail the variation of the number of scintillations with thickness of matter traversed. There are still a number of points that require further examination, but as neither of the authors is likely to have time to continue the experiments in the near future, it has been thought desirable to give a brief account of the preliminary results. Experimental arrangements. The end of a brass rod, 1 mm. in diameter, was exposed as negative electrode in a small vessel containing a strongly emanating preparation, either of radio-thorium or mesothorium. By suitable adjustment of the electrodes, the active deposit was concentrated almost entirely on the end of the rod — a condition essential to the accurate determination of the ranges. After two days' exposure to the electric field, the wire was removed and placed end-on at 4 mm. distance from a small screen of zinc sulphide viewed with a low-power microscope. Care was taken that the axis of the microscope passed through the centre of the rod. The screen was permanently covered with a mica plate whose thickness corresponded to 8*6 cm. of air — the maximum range of the alpha particle from thorium C. All scintillations then observed were due to alpha particles which had passed through the mica plate and 4 mm. of air, i. e. a distance 380 [header] corresponding to 9 cm. of air. With the most intense source available, about 20 scintillations per minute were counted on the microscope. The number fell off rapidly with increase of distance of the source, but an occasional [alpha] particle was still observed at a distance of 2 cm. from the source. In order to determine the variation of number of these particles with distance of matter traversed, thin screens of aluminium, each corresponding in thickness to 1*25 mm. of air, were successively interposed between the source and screen. It was found that the number of long-range particles remained constant between S'6 and 9*3 cm. of air, but decreased in number from 9*3 cm., vanishing at 11*3 cm. The grouped average of all the observations in a large number of experiments is shown in fig. 1. [figure redacted] It is seen that the curve shows evidence of two fairly definite slopes AB, BC, as if there were two sets of alpha particles present of different ranges. This important point [header] 381 was very carefully examined, and the results o£ a special series of observations are shown in fig. 2. It will be seen that there appears to be a fairly definite change in the slope when the number of scintillations is reduced to about two-thirds of the total. [figure redacted] It will be seen from the curves that the alpha particles start decreasing in number from about 2 cm. of the maximum range. The variation of number with distance is much slower than that to be expected for a single group of alpha particles of corresponding range. This is brought out in fig. 3, which shows the results obtained when the scintillation-distance curve in air was obtained for the two well-known groups of alpha particles emitted from thorium C of ranges 5'0 and 8*6 cm. respectively. In these cases, the scintillations fall off rapidly, beginning at about 1 cm. from the end of the corresponding range. The difference between the slopes of the scintillation- curve for the long-range alpha particles and those from thorium cannot be explained by the oblique 382 [header] path taken by some of the rays through the mica on account of the nearness of the source and screen. Calculations showed that the influence of obliquity could only account for a small fraction of the difference actually observed. [figure redacted] The results we have so far obtained certainly seem to indicate either that (1) the long-range alpha particles are expelled with variable velocities over a comparatively narrow range, and in this respect differ markedly from alpha particles from ordinary radioactive products which are known to be expelled with identical velocity, or (2) that two homogeneous, groups of alpha rays of characteristic ranges are present. In order to distinguish definitely between these two hypotheses, it would be necessary to count many thousands of alpha particles, but other evidence suggests that (2) is the more probable explanation. The slope AB ends at about a range 10'2 cm. and when the number of alpha particles is reduced to about two-thirds [header] 383 of the total. This suggests that two groups of homogeneous rays are present, one-third of maximum range 10*2 cm. and two-thirds of range 11*3 cm. The slope of the scintillation curve to be expected on this hypothesis agrees within the experimental error with the observed curve. This division of the alpha particles into two homogeneous groups may be compared with the two well-known groups of alpha particles emitted from thorium C, for it is known that one-third have a range 5*0 cm. and two-thirds a range 8' 6 cm. This suggests that the new groups of alpha particles have their origin in thorium C, and that one-third of range 10*2 cm. accompany the alpha particles of range 5*0 cm., and the remainder of range 11*3 cm. accompany the alpha particles of range 8'6 cm. While it is very difficult to prove the correctness of such a deduction, the numerical agreement in the divisions of alpha particles of different ranges is certainly striking. We have not so far examined experimentally whether the new alpha particles are expelled from the alpha ray product thorium C, but this seems very probable. To settle this point, it will be necessary to prepare a strong preparation of thorium G and to determine whether the period of transformation, measured by the new alpha particles, is in agreement with the accepted value for thorium C, viz. half value in 60 minutes. Number of Long-range Alpha Particles. Since the number of long-range particles decreases at the same rate as the alpha-ray activity of the active deposit of thorium, it is convenient to express their number as a fraction of the total number of alpha particles emitted per second from thorium C. For this purpose, the number of long-range particles per minute was measured with the source fixed at a known distance from the screen. The active deposit was then allowed to decay in situ for 32 hour, 1 -. The absorbing screen was then removed and the number of alpha particles from thorium C measured at distances from 6 to 7 cm., so as to include only the longer range alpha particles (8*6 cm.) from thorium C. In this way it was found that the fraction of long-range alpha particles was 1/6700. Taking into consideration that the alpha particles of range 8'6 cm. from thorium C are two-thirds of the total, the fraction becomes 1/10000. Preliminary observations by different methods gave a somewhat lower value, but the above number cannot be much in error. We thus see that the long-range alpha particles 384 [header] are expelled in a very small proportion (1/10000) compared with the ordinary alpha particles. Unless a very intense source be employed, it will not be easy to detect the presence of the long-range alpha particles when the ordinary alpha particles are first absorbed by a layer of 8' 6 cm. of air. In the Bragg ionization curves from thorium C given by Marsden and Perkins [citation redacted], a small residual activity is to be noticed beyond the distance 8'6 cm. which is relatively more marked than for the corresponding curve for radium G. This no doubt is to be ascribed to the effect of the very long-range alpha particles. Discussion of Results. It is now well established that thorium C is anomalous in breaking up in two distinct ways. One-third of the atoms are transformed with the emission of alpha particles of range 5*0 cm., and the remainder gives alpha particles of range 8' 6 cm. These modes of transformation of thorium C have been examined in detail by Marsden and Darwin [citation, and an ingenious scheme of changes has been suggested to account for the facts observed. It is known that the products corresponding to thorium G in the radium and actinium series, viz. radium C and actinium C, also have two distinct modes of transformation. Fajans [citation redacted] showed that 1/6000 of the atoms of radium C give rise to a new product of half period 1*38 minutes, which emits beta rays in its transformation. In a similar way actinium C has been found to emit two sets of alpha particles of range 5*4 and 6*4 cm. [citation redacted] This is ascribed to a double mode of transformation, 1*5/1000 of the atoms breaking up with the emission of alpha .particles of range 6*4 cm. Assuming that the new alpha particles of thorium can be divided into two homogeneous groups of range 10*2 and 11*3 cm., it is seen that thorium C must break up in four distinct ways with the expulsion of alpha particles of ranges 5-0, 8'6, 10-2, and 11*3 cm. at 15° C. The possible modes of transformation of thorium C are thus more complicated than was at first supposed, and it is obvious that the suggestions given by Marsden and Darwin as to the modes of transformation of this substance can be [header] 385 only a partial explanation. From the close analogy of the " 0" products of radium, thorium, and actinium, it is probable that further examination will show an analogous complexity in the modes of breaking up of radium and actinium C. The loss of energy in the form of expelled alpha particles is very different in the four modes of transformation of thorium C, and in consequence it does not seem likely that the resulting products can be the same in all cases. The differences in the energies emitted by the two branch products of thorium C formed a serious difficulty in the original explanation given by Marsden and Darwin of the two main modes of transformation of thorium C, and this difficulty is now further increased. A more detailed discussion on these interesting points will be reserved until further experimental information is available. The relation found by Geiger between the range of the expelled alpha particles and the life of the radioactive product, suggests that the average life of the atoms which expel the long-range alpha particles must be exceedingly short, and of the order of 10 ~ 13 and 10 ~ 16 sec. for the products emitting alpha particles of range 10*2 and ]1*3 cm. respectively. The following table gives the velocity of the four groups of alpha particles from thorium C, taking as the basis of calculation the measurements of Rutherford and Robinson that the velocity V of the alpha particles from radium C of range 6*94 cm. at 15° C. is [formula redacted] cm. per second, and assuming Geiger's relation [formula redacted] where II is the range. Range at 15° C. Ratio of velocities. Calculated velocity. [table redacted] Recently one of us [citation redacted] showed by direct measurement that the velocities in two main groups of alpha particles from thorium C were in good agreement with the calculated values if the range of the alpha particles from thorium Ci is 4'95 cm. instead of 4*80 cm. — the value usually taken. From our measurements, there appears to be no doubt that the higher value is more correct. [footer] 386 [header] Summary. Evidence is given that the active deposit o£ thorium emits a small number of alpha particles of greater velocity than any previously observed. These alpha particles are believed to have their origin in the transformation of thorium C, and appear to be divided into two homogeneous groups of maximum range 10*2 and 11*3 cm. The number of these alpha particles is about 1/10000 of the total number emitted from thorium C, two-thirds of the number having a range 11.3 cm. The results indicate that the atoms of thorium can break up in three and probably four distinct ways with the emission of four characteristic groups of alpha particles of ranges 5'0, 8'6, 10-2, and 11*3 cm. University of Manchester, February 1916.