XXIX. Energy required to Ionize a Molecule by Collision. By J. S. Townsend, Wykeham Professor of Physics, Oxford [Communicated by the Author.]. IN the theory of ionization o£ gases by collision, it has been shown that the quantity a, representing the number of molecules ionized by one electron in moving through a centimetre of the gas at a pressure of one millimetre, is given by an equation of the form [formula redacted] for the larger values of the force X. The agreement between the formula and the experimental results was much closer than might have been expected, considering the assumptions which were made in finding the formula. Thus, for example, at the lower values of X, it has been found that the velocity of agitation of the electrons exceeds the velocity acquired under the force. If the quantity a represents the number of collisions with molecules in which the velocity of the ion exceeds a certain value V f , the velocity Y f must be obtained on a different principle from that previously adopted, when the force X is small [citation redacted]. This may be illustrated by taking the values of [alpha] recently obtained by Wheatley [citation redacted] for air corresponding to small values of the ratio X/p. The velocity of agitation u, and the velocity in the direction of the electric force W, for these values of X/p, have also been determined§. For air at 1 millimetre pressure the values of a, w, W, and h are given in the following table, k being the factor by which the kinetic energy of the electrons exceeds that of the surrounding molecules. [table redacted] The velocity of agitation of the molecules may be neglected in comparison with that of the electrons, and the mean free path I of an electron moving in air at 1 millimetre pressure may be taken as *032 centimetre. 270 [header] When an electron travels a distance of 1 centimetre in the direction of the electric force, the total length of its trajectory is u/W approximately (since u is large compared with W), and the total number of collisions that it makes with molecules is [formula redacted]. The number that are ionized is a, so that aWlju is the ratio of the number of collisions in which the velocity of the electron exceeds V', to the total number of collisions. Let [formula redacted] be the number of electrons moving with a velocity intermediate between V and [formula redacted]. The total length of the paths they traverse per second is [formula redacted], and the number of collisions in which the velocity of the electron is between V and [formula redacted] is [formula redacted] The number of collisions N' in which the velocity of the electron exceeds V is [formula redacted] If the velocities are distributed according to Maxwell's law [formula redacted] and N' is proportional to [formula redacted] The ratio N'/N, where N is the total number of collisions per second, is [formula redacted] The quantity b is [formula redacted] where e is the mean velocity of agitation. In the case of electrons moving in an electric field the kinetic energy of agitation exceeds that of the surrounding molecules by the factor k so that [formula redacted] where [formula redacted] is the kinetic energy of agitation of a molecule of the gas. Hence equating aWl/u to N'/N, the value of [formula redacted] is given by the following equation : — [formula redacted] [header] 271 The values of [formula redacted] for the different values of X are given in the following table, also the corresponding values of [formula redacted] :- [table redacted] If V be the velocity acquired by an electron in travelling freely between two points differing in potential by P volts, it is easy to show that [formula redacted]. The values of P thus obtained are given in the last column of the above table, the determination corresponding to the lowest value of X being the most reliable. It thus appears that the energy required to produce ionization by collision in air is about 23e/300, e being the charge on the ion. This estimate of the energy is in agreement with that previously obtained by considering the larger values of [alpha]. It is remarkable that large alterations in the numbers given in the second column have very little effect on the values of P. It is only necessary, therefore, to know the values of [alpha], l, W, and u approximately, but the value of k must be known accurately, as an error in k would produce a proportional error in P.