Development of a transient inline spiking system for evaluating virus clearance in continuous bioprocessing—Proof of concept for virus filtration

The development of continuous/connected bioprocesses requires new approaches for viral clearance validation, both for specific unit operations and for the overall process. In this study, we have developed a transient inline spiking system that can be used to evaluate virus clearance at distinct time points during prolonged operation of continuous bioprocesses. The proof of concept for this system was demonstrated by evaluating the viral clearance for a virus filtration step, both with and without a prefilter upstream of the virus filter. The residence time distribution was evaluated using a previously identified noninteracting fluorescent tracer, while viral clearance was evaluated from measurements of the virus titer in samples obtained downstream of the virus filter. The measured log reduction values (LRV) for ϕX174, minute virus of mice, xenotropic murine leukemia virus, and a noninfectious mock virus particle were all within 0.5 log of those obtained using a traditional batch virus challenge for both model and real-world process streams (LRV between 2.2 and 3.4 for ϕX174 using a single layer of virus filter). The results demonstrate the effectiveness of transient inline spiking to validate the virus clearance capabilities in continuous bioprocessing, an essential element for the adoption of these processes for products made using mammalian cell lines.

This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Development of a transient inline spiking system for evaluating virus clearance in continuous bioprocessing—Proof of concept for virus filtration. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 119, 8 p2134-2141 (2022)], which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions:



Work Title Development of a transient inline spiking system for evaluating virus clearance in continuous bioprocessing—Proof of concept for virus filtration
Open Access
  1. Anna Malakian
  2. Seon Yeop Jung
  3. Mohammad A. Afzal
  4. Christina Carbrello
  5. Sal Giglia
  6. Matthew Johnson
  7. Corinne Miller
  8. William Rayfield
  9. Dave Boenitz
  10. David Cetlin
  11. Andrew L. Zydney
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Publication Date August 1, 2022
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
Deposited January 23, 2023




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added Development_of_a_transient_inline_spiking_system.pdf
  • Added Creator Anna Malakian
  • Added Creator Seon Yeop Jung
  • Added Creator Mohammad A. Afzal
  • Added Creator Christina Carbrello
  • Added Creator Sal Giglia
  • Added Creator Matthew Johnson
  • Added Creator Corinne Miller
  • Added Creator William Rayfield
  • Added Creator Dave Boenitz
  • Added Creator David Cetlin
  • Added Creator Andrew L. Zydney
  • Published
  • Updated