A new fossil Acmopyle with accessory transfusion tissue and potential reproductive buds: Direct evidence for ever-wet rainforests in Eocene Patagonia

Premise: Acmopyle (Podocarpaceae) comprises two extant species from Oceania that are physiologically restricted to ever-wet rainforests, a confirmed fossil record based on leaf adpressions and cuticles in Australia since the Paleocene, and a few uncertain reports from New Zealand, Antarctica, and South America. We investigated fossil specimens with Acmopyle affinities from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco site in Patagonia, Argentina.

Methods: We studied 42 adpression leafy-shoot fossils and included them in a total evidence phylogenetic analysis.

Results: Acmopyle grayae sp. nov. is based on heterophyllous leafy shoots with three distinct leaf types. Among these, bilaterally flattened leaves uniquely preserve subparallel, linear features that we interpret as accessory transfusion tissue (ATT, an extra-venous water-conducting tissue). Some apical morphologies of A. grayae shoots are compatible with the early stages of ovuliferous cone development. Our phylogenetic analysis recovers the new species in a polytomy with the two extant Acmopyle species. We report several types of insect-herbivory damage. We also transfer Acmopyle engelhardti from the middle Eocene Río Pichileufú flora to Dacrycarpus engelhardti comb. nov.

Conclusions: We confirm the biogeographically significant presence of the endangered West Pacific genus Acmopyle in Eocene Patagonia. Acmopyle is one of the most drought-intolerant genera in Podocarpaceae, possibly due to the high collapse risk of the ATT, and thus the new fossil species provides physiological evidence for the presence of an ever-wet rainforest environment at Laguna del Hunco during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum.

This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [A new fossil Acmopyle with accessory transfusion tissue and potential reproductive buds: Direct evidence for ever‐wet rainforests in Eocene Patagonia. American Journal of Botany 110, 8 (2023)], which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/ajb2.16221. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions: https://authorservices.wiley.com/author-resources/Journal-Authors/licensing/self-archiving.html#3.



Work Title A new fossil Acmopyle with accessory transfusion tissue and potential reproductive buds: Direct evidence for ever-wet rainforests in Eocene Patagonia
Open Access
  1. Ana Andruchow-Colombo
  2. Gabriella Rossetto-Harris
  3. Timothy J. Brodribb
  4. María A. Gandolfo
  5. Peter Wilf
  1. Accessory transfusion tissue (ATT)
  2. Acmopyle
  3. Conifers
  4. Early Eocene Climatic Optimum
  5. Insect damage
  6. Laguna del Hunco
  7. Seed cone development
  8. Total evidence phylogeny
  9. Podocarpaceae
  10. Reproductive buds
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. American Journal of Botany
Publication Date August 20, 2023
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
  1. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajb2.16221
Deposited March 04, 2024




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added AJB-D-23-00033_R1_-_Copy_for_NSF.pdf
  • Added Creator Ana Andruchow-Colombo
  • Added Creator Gabriella Rossetto-Harris
  • Added Creator Timothy J. Brodribb
  • Added Creator María A. Gandolfo
  • Added Creator Peter Wilf
  • Published
  • Updated Keyword, Description, Publication Date Show Changes
    • Accessory transfusion tissue (ATT), Acmopyle, Conifers, Early Eocene Climatic Optimum, Insect damage, Laguna del Hunco, Seed cone development, Total evidence phylogeny, Podocarpaceae, Reproductive buds
    • <p>Premise: Acmopyle (Podocarpaceae) comprises two extant species from Oceania that are physiologically restricted to ever-wet rainforests, a confirmed fossil record based on leaf adpressions and cuticles in Australia since the Paleocene, and a few uncertain reports from New Zealand, Antarctica, and South America. We investigated fossil specimens with Acmopyle affinities from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco site in Patagonia, Argentina. Methods: We studied 42 adpression leafy-shoot fossils and included them in a total evidence phylogenetic analysis. Results: Acmopyle grayae sp. nov. is based on heterophyllous leafy shoots with three distinct leaf types. Among these, bilaterally flattened leaves uniquely preserve subparallel, linear features that we interpret as accessory transfusion tissue (ATT, an extra-venous water-conducting tissue). Some apical morphologies of A. grayae shoots are compatible with the early stages of ovuliferous cone development. Our phylogenetic analysis recovers the new species in a polytomy with the two extant Acmopyle species. We report several types of insect-herbivory damage. We also transfer Acmopyle engelhardti from the middle Eocene Río Pichileufú flora to Dacrycarpus engelhardti comb. nov. Conclusions: We confirm the biogeographically significant presence of the endangered West Pacific genus Acmopyle in Eocene Patagonia. Acmopyle is one of the most drought-intolerant genera in Podocarpaceae, possibly due to the high collapse risk of the ATT, and thus the new fossil species provides physiological evidence for the presence of an ever-wet rainforest environment at Laguna del Hunco during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum.</p>
    • <p>Premise: _Acmopyle_ (Podocarpaceae) comprises two extant species from Oceania that are physiologically restricted to ever-wet rainforests, a confirmed fossil record based on leaf adpressions and cuticles in Australia since the Paleocene, and a few uncertain reports from New Zealand, Antarctica, and South America. We investigated fossil specimens with _Acmopyle_ affinities from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco site in Patagonia, Argentina.
    • Methods: We studied 42 adpression leafy-shoot fossils and included them in a total evidence phylogenetic analysis.
    • Results: _Acmopyle grayae_ sp. nov. is based on heterophyllous leafy shoots with three distinct leaf types. Among these, bilaterally flattened leaves uniquely preserve subparallel, linear features that we interpret as accessory transfusion tissue (ATT, an extra-venous water-conducting tissue). Some apical morphologies of _A. grayae_ shoots are compatible with the early stages of ovuliferous cone development. Our phylogenetic analysis recovers the new species in a polytomy with the two extant _Acmopyle_ species. We report several types of insect-herbivory damage. We also transfer _Acmopyle engelhardti_ from the middle Eocene Río Pichileufú flora to _Dacrycarpus engelhardti_ comb. nov.
    • Conclusions: We confirm the biogeographically significant presence of the endangered West Pacific genus _Acmopyle_ in Eocene Patagonia. _Acmopyle_ is one of the most drought-intolerant genera in Podocarpaceae, possibly due to the high collapse risk of the ATT, and thus the new fossil species provides physiological evidence for the presence of an ever-wet rainforest environment at Laguna del Hunco during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum.</p>
    Publication Date
    • 2023-08-01
    • 2023-08-20
  • Updated