Supply chain disruptions: firm, competitor, supplier, and customer impact

This study expands the work on contagion effects caused by supply chain disruptions beyond the impacted firm and competitors to its customers and suppliers. Using hand-collected data, we analyze the news announcements to determine those that resulted in disruptions in supply, demand, production, inventory, distribution, or transportation at one or more stages of a supply chain across different types of disruptions and across six market segments. Using event study methodology and regression analysis, we find statistically significant negative share price responses to announcement of supply chain disruptions for the affected firm and its competitors, but not for consumer and supplier firms. Competitors in more concentrated industries, with higher growth prospects, or with higher debt ratios, are more impacted by disruptions by peer firms. Customers firms in less competitive industries, who exhibit higher risk, or have overall lower sales react more negatively to disruption announcements.



Work Title Supply chain disruptions: firm, competitor, supplier, and customer impact
Open Access
  1. Greg Filbeck
  2. Xin Zhao
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management
Publication Date July 1, 2020
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
Deposited November 22, 2021




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added SUPPLY_CHAIN_DISRUPTIONS_IJISSCM_190704-Revised-Final_-_ScholarSphere.pdf
  • Added Creator Greg Filbeck
  • Added Creator Xin Zhao
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