Overcoming Cost Barriers of Metal-Binder-Jet Additive-Manufacturing for Automotive Product Applications

ABSTRACT The objective of this literature review of metal binder jet (MBJ) additive manufacturing (AM) is to increase AM applications released in production automobiles by decreasing AM part costs with the targeted material being stainless steel. For very low-volume parts (<2000/yr.) metal-AM has seen broad product implementation, however, for automotive production volumes (between 2000-50,000/yr.) AM has not experienced large-scale adoption. AM parts’ typically higher piece cost is often cited as a major adoption barrier in the auto industry (compared to conventional manufacturing part costs). This study begins by researching automotive AM implementation barriers, then investigates the details of cost barriers, and concludes by exploring AM process and material research. The process and material conclusions facilitate strategies for cost reduction opportunities mainly by increasing system throughput. An essential fact for this work is that MBJ-AM has many variables which all work together; no single variable is independent. Therefore, any recommended variable change will generate interactions with other variables and must be studied, optimized, and considered systematically. Several key findings, with analysis, are presented which include increased layer height, understanding and optimizing binder saturation, sintering process recommendations, and powder material properties’ recommendations. This work also provides several interesting potential future work proposals based on the current state of publications.



Work Title Overcoming Cost Barriers of Metal-Binder-Jet Additive-Manufacturing for Automotive Product Applications
Open Access
  1. Michael Freeman
  1. Additive manufacturing
  2. Binder jet
  3. Cost
  4. Barrier
  5. Metal
  6. Automotive
  7. Product applications
License No Copyright - U.S.
Work Type Project
  1. Dr. Todd Palmer
  2. Dr. Sanjay Joshi
  3. Dr. Guha Manogharan
  4. Jaclyn Stimely
Publication Date December 4, 2022
  1. Additive Manufacturing
  1. English
Deposited December 04, 2022




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Updated
  • Updated Acknowledgments Show Changes
    • Dr. Todd Palmer, Dr. Sanjay Joshi, Dr. Guha Manogharan, Jaclyn Stimely
  • Added Creator Michael Freeman
  • Added Freeman_Michael_AMD-Scholary-Paper-a-Final-2-DEC-2022.pdf
  • Updated License Show Changes
    • https://rightsstatements.org/page/NoC-US/1.0/
  • Published
  • Updated Keyword Show Changes
    • additive manufacturing, binder jet, cost, barrier, metal, automotive, product applications
    • Additive manufacturing, Binder jet, Cost, Barrier, Metal, Automotive, Product applications
  • Updated