A. palmata Transcriptome

From Polato et al. 2011, PLos ONE: "A cDNA library from a sample enriched for symbiont free larval tissue was sequenced on the 454 GS-FLX platform. Over 960,000 reads were obtained and assembled into 42,630 contigs. Annotation data was acquired for 57% of the assembled sequences. Analysis of the assembled sequences indicated that 83–100% of all A. palmata transcripts were tagged, and provided a rough estimate of the total number genes expressed in our samples (∼18,000–20,000). The coral annotation data contained many of the same molecular components as in the Bilateria, particularly in pathways associated with oxidative stress and DNA damage repair, and provided evidence that homologs of p53, a key player in DNA repair pathways, has experienced selection along the branch separating Cnidaria and Bilateria. Transcriptome wide screens of paralog groups and transition/transversion ratios highlighted genes including: green fluorescent proteins, carbonic anhydrase, and oxidative stress proteins; and functional groups involved in protein and nucleic acid metabolism, and the formation of structural molecules. These results provide a starting point for study of adaptive evolution in corals."


Kitchen, Sheila; Baums, Iliana (). A. palmata Transcriptome [Data set]. Scholarsphere. https://doi.org/10.18113/S1ZW52



Work Title A. palmata Transcriptome
Open Access
  1. Sheila A Kitchen
  2. Iliana Brigitta Baums
  1. functional genomics
  2. transcriptome
  3. RNA
  4. Elkhorn Coral
License CC BY 4.0 (Attribution)
Work Type Dataset
  1. Nicholas R. Polato, J. Cristobal Vera, Iliana B. Baums
Publication Date December 28, 2011
DOI doi:10.18113/S1ZW52
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Deposited February 22, 2018




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Version 1

  • Created
  • Added README.txt
  • Added Apal_transcriptome_Polato.fa
  • Added Creator Sheila A Kitchen
  • Added Creator Iliana Brigitta Baums
  • Published
  • Updated