First Canadian record and additional new state records for North American deer keds (Diptera: Hippoboscidae: Lipoptena cervi (Linnaeus) and L. mazamae Rondani)

Deer keds (Diptera: Hippoboscidae: Lipoptena Nitzsch and Neolipoptena Bequaert) are hematophagous ectoparasitic flies that primarily attack cervids and occasionally bite humans and companion animals. While a number of studies have reported half a dozen arthropod-borne pathogens in deer keds, it is unknown if they are competent vectors. In response to the increasing concern of deer keds as pathogen vectors, a recent study produced the first county-level map of deer keds in North America. Since that study was published, a number of new range records have come to light, including the first records for Canada as well as two new state/provincial, and 33 new county or provincial records for deer keds in eastern North America.



Work Title First Canadian record and additional new state records for North American deer keds (Diptera: Hippoboscidae: Lipoptena cervi (Linnaeus) and L. mazamae Rondani)
Open Access
  1. Michael Skvarla
  2. R. A. Butler
  3. R. Trout Fryxell
  4. C. Jones
  5. M. V. A. Burrell
  6. K C. Poh
  7. J. Evans
  8. E Machtinger
License CC BY 4.0 (Attribution)
Work Type Article
  1. Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario
Publication Date November 5, 2020
Related URLs
Deposited August 30, 2022




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added Additional_records_of_North_American_deer_keds_3.0-1.docx
  • Added Creator Michael Skvarla
  • Added Creator R. A. Butler
  • Added Creator R. Trout Fryxell
  • Added Creator C. Jones
  • Added Creator M. V. A. Burrell
  • Added Creator K C. Poh
  • Added Creator J. Evans
  • Added Creator E Machtinger
  • Published
  • Updated Work Title, Related URLs Show Changes
    Work Title
    • First Canadian record and additional new state records for North American deer keds (Diptera: Hippoboscidae: Lipoptena cervi and Lipoptena mazamae)
    • First Canadian record and additional new state records for North American deer keds (Diptera: Hippoboscidae: Lipoptena cervi (Linnaeus) and L. mazamae Rondani)
    Related URLs
  • Updated Description Show Changes
    • Deer keds (Diptera: Hippoboscidae: _Lipoptena_ Nitzsch[TO1] and _Neolipoptena_ Bequaert) are hematophagous ectoparasitic flies that primarily attack cervids and occasionally bite humans and companion animals. While a number of studies have reported half a dozen arthropod-borne pathogens in deer keds, it is unknown if they are competent vectors. In response to the increasing concern of deer keds as pathogen vectors, a recent study produced the first county-level map of deer keds in North America. Since that study was published, a number of new range records have come to light, including the first records for Canada as well as two new state/provincial, and 33 new county or provincial records for deer keds in eastern North America.
    • Deer keds (Diptera: Hippoboscidae: _Lipoptena_ Nitzsch and _Neolipoptena_ Bequaert) are hematophagous ectoparasitic flies that primarily attack cervids and occasionally bite humans and companion animals. While a number of studies have reported half a dozen arthropod-borne pathogens in deer keds, it is unknown if they are competent vectors. In response to the increasing concern of deer keds as pathogen vectors, a recent study produced the first county-level map of deer keds in North America. Since that study was published, a number of new range records have come to light, including the first records for Canada as well as two new state/provincial, and 33 new county or provincial records for deer keds in eastern North America.
  • Updated