Damage reduction with maintained colour quality of artwork under RGB projector

Light is needed to appreciate artwork, but optical radiation absorbed by surfaces can cause irreversible damage. Absorption reduction approach can reduce damage to artwork without causing perceptible colour shifts. However, the computational time and effort to optimise light source spectrum for each pigment on a painting might be tremendous. Pigments can be grouped according to their spectral reflectance shapes to reduce computational time and effort. The spectral optimisation of an RGB projector for damage, colour quality, and energy efficiency indicates that damage reduction can be reduced without causing colour shifts. Increasing the colour shift tolerance can further reduce light absorption. Future studies will investigate observers’ subjective evaluations of artwork under optimised lighting conditions for heritage preservation.



Work Title Damage reduction with maintained colour quality of artwork under RGB projector
Subtitle CIE Midterm Meeting and Conference 2021
Open Access
  1. Dorukalp Durmus
  2. Rugved Kore
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
Publication Date September 1, 2021
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
  1. https://doi.org/10.25039/x48.2021.op56
Deposited November 03, 2022




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added CIE2021_Malasiya_DamageProtection_5_DD.pdf
  • Added Creator Dorukalp Durmus
  • Added Creator Rugved Kore
  • Published
  • Updated