Conserved residue PsaB-Trp673 is essential for high-efficiency electron transfer between the phylloquinones and the iron-sulfur clusters in Photosystem I

Despite the high level of symmetry between the PsaA and PsaB polypeptides in Photosystem I, some amino acids pairs are strikingly different, such as PsaA-Gly693 and PsaB-Trp673, which are located near a cluster of 11 water molecules between the A1A and A1B quinones and the FX iron-sulfur cluster. In this work, we changed PsaB-Trp673 to PsaB-Phe673 in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The variant contains ~ 85% of wild-type (WT) levels of Photosystem I but is unable to grow photoautotrophically. Both time-resolved and steady-state optical measurements show that in the PsaB-W673F variant less than 50% of the electrons reach the terminal iron-sulfur clusters FA and FB; the majority of the electrons recombine from A1A− and A1B−. However, in those reaction centers which pass electrons forward the transfer is heterogeneous: a minor population shows electron transfer rates from A1A− and A1B− to FX slightly slower than that of the WT, whereas a major population shows forward electron transfer rates to FX slowed to the ~ 10 µs time range. Competition between relatively similar forward and backward rates of electron transfer from the quinones to the FX cluster account for the relatively low yield of long-lived charge separation in the PsaB-W673F variant. A higher water content and its increased mobility observed in MD simulations in the interquinone cavity of the PsaB-W673F variant shifts the pK of PsaB-Asp575 and allows its deprotonation in situ. The heterogeneity found may be rooted in protonation state of PsaB-Asp575, which controls whether electron transfer can proceed beyond the phylloquinone cofactors.



Work Title Conserved residue PsaB-Trp673 is essential for high-efficiency electron transfer between the phylloquinones and the iron-sulfur clusters in Photosystem I
Open Access
  1. Vasily Kurashov
  2. George Milanovsky
  3. Lujun Luo
  4. Antoine Martin
  5. Alexey Yu Semenov
  6. Sergei Savikhin
  7. Dmitry A. Cherepanov
  8. John H. Golbeck
  9. Wu Xu
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. Photosynthesis Research
Publication Date June 1, 2021
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
Deposited November 15, 2021




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added Kurashov_et_al._2021.pdf
  • Added Creator Vasily Kurashov
  • Added Creator George Milanovsky
  • Added Creator Lujun Luo
  • Added Creator Antoine Martin
  • Added Creator Alexey Yu Semenov
  • Added Creator Sergei Savikhin
  • Added Creator Dmitry A. Cherepanov
  • Added Creator John H. Golbeck
  • Added Creator Wu Xu
  • Published
  • Updated
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  • Updated