T-dualizing the deformed and resolved conifold

In a previous paper, we used T-duality to construct a new type of 1/4-BPS solution describing a pair of NS5-branes intersecting in 1 + 3 dimensions and localized in all other directions except for a single transverse circle. This led to an explicit solution to a sourced Monge-Ampere equation, of which there are few known examples. In this paper, we refine this formalism and apply it to two important generalizations: the resolved and deformed conifolds. In doing so, we construct two new solutions describing, respectively, a pair of NS5-branes separated in a transverse direction and a pair of NS5-branes with a smooth diamond profile. We show how the parameter of the resolved conifold (size of S^2) maps to a transverse separation of the NS5-branes, while the modulus of the deformed conifold (size of S^3) maps to the deformation parameter of the diamond web.

This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication/published in Classical and Quantum Gravity. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/0264-9381/29/5/055014



Work Title T-dualizing the deformed and resolved conifold
Open Access
  1. Jock McOrist
  2. Andrew B. Royston
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. Classical and Quantum Gravity
Publication Date February 17, 2012
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
  1. https://www.doi.org/10.1088/0264-9381/29/5/055014
Deposited January 29, 2024




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Updated
  • Added Creator Jock McOrist
  • Added Creator Andrew B. Royston
  • Added mr2cqg.pdf
  • Updated License Show Changes
    • https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/
  • Published
  • Updated Publisher Identifier (DOI), Description Show Changes
    Publisher Identifier (DOI)
    • 10.1088/0264-9381/29/5/055014
    • https://www.doi.org/10.1088/0264-9381/29/5/055014
    • In a previous paper, we used T-duality to construct a new type of 1/4-BPS solution describing a pair of NS5-branes intersecting in 1 + 3 dimensions and localized in all other directions except for a single transverse circle. This led to an explicit solution to a sourced Monge-Ampere equation, of which there are few known examples. In this paper, we refine this formalism and apply it to two important generalizations: the resolved and deformed conifolds. In doing so, we construct two new solutions describing, respectively, a pair of NS5-branes separated in a transverse direction and a pair of NS5-branes with a smooth diamond profile. We show how the parameter of the resolved conifold (size of S <sup>2</sup> ) maps to a transverse separation of the NS5-branes, while the modulus of the deformed conifold (size of S <sup>3</sup> ) maps to the deformation parameter of the diamond web.
    • In a previous paper, we used T-duality to construct a new type of 1/4-BPS solution describing a pair of NS5-branes intersecting in 1 + 3 dimensions and localized in all other directions except for a single transverse circle. This led to an explicit solution to a sourced Monge-Ampere equation, of which there are few known examples. In this paper, we refine this formalism and apply it to two important generalizations: the resolved and deformed conifolds. In doing so, we construct two new solutions describing, respectively, a pair of NS5-branes separated in a transverse direction and a pair of NS5-branes with a smooth diamond profile. We show how the parameter of the resolved conifold (size of S^2) maps to a transverse separation of the NS5-branes, while the modulus of the deformed conifold (size of S^3) maps to the deformation parameter of the diamond web.
  • Updated