Stability Analysis of Grid-Forming Converters Under DC-Side Current Limitation in Primary Frequency Response Regime

Stability of grid-forming converters (GFCs) inter-facing renewable resources in a power system with multiple synchronous generators (SGs) are studied in the context of primary frequency response. The GFCs are divided in two classes based on the control methods class-A: droop control, dispatch-able virtual oscillator control (dVOC), and virtual synchronous machine (VSM); and class-B: matching control. First, averaged phasor models of these GFC classes are developed, which can be seamlessly integrated with positive sequence fundamental frequency planning models. Next, simplified averaged models are derived to study stability of the dc-link voltage of the GFCs under dc-side current limitation in a generic multimachine system during primary frequency response. To that end, sufficiency conditions for stability of both classes and that of instability for class-A GFCs are established. Finally, the proposed stability conditions are verified using detailed switched models of two small systems and phasor models of a4-machine and a16-machine IEEE benchmark systems.

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Work Title Stability Analysis of Grid-Forming Converters Under DC-Side Current Limitation in Primary Frequency Response Regime
Open Access
  1. Sayan Samanta
  2. Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri
  1. Grid-forming converter
  2. Droop
  3. Virtual oscillator
  4. Virtual synchronous machine
  5. Matching control
  6. Lyapunov stability
  7. Input-to-state stability
  8. Input-output stability
License In Copyright (Rights Reserved)
Work Type Article
  1. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Publication Date November 23, 2021
Publisher Identifier (DOI)
Deposited July 04, 2023




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Work History

Version 1

  • Created
  • Added For_NSFPAR.pdf
  • Added Creator Sayan Samanta
  • Added Creator Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri
  • Published
  • Updated Keyword, Publication Date Show Changes
    • Grid-forming converter, Droop, Virtual oscillator, Virtual synchronous machine, Matching control, Lyapunov stability, Input-to-state stability, Input-output stability
    Publication Date
    • 2021-01-01
    • 2021-11-23
  • Updated