ScholarSphere Depositor’s Agreement

Version 2.0

By depositing or authorizing the deposit of the content and metadata (the Work) in ScholarSphere, you represent and warrant to The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) that you have the right to grant the rights contained in this license. If the Work contains material for which you do not hold copyright, you represent and warrant that you have obtained all necessary rights to permit Penn State to reproduce and distribute the Work and that any third-party material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the Work. You further represent and warrant that the Work does not, to the best of your knowledge, infringe or violate any rights of others and that it complies with the Content and Deposit Policy.

You hereby grant to Penn State and its authorized service providers an irrevocable and perpetual non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, publicly distribute, publicly display, and publicly perform the Work worldwide in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. This agreement is not a transfer of copyright to Penn State.

You agree that Penn State may migrate the Work to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation.

You agree that Penn State may augment or correct metadata associated with the Work (such as title, author, publication date, and key words) in order to describe the content more accurately.

If the Work is based upon research sponsored or supported by an entity other than Penn State, including any governmental agency, or public or private entity, you represent and warrant that deposit of the Work into ScholarSphere does not breach any obligation you or Penn State may have to such entity pertaining to the research upon which the Work is based.

When you deposit the Work, and thereafter via the depositor’s interface, you will be able to set access permissions as described in the Content and Deposit Policy. Penn State will make reasonable efforts to provide access in accordance with your selections. Penn State will provide that access for noncommercial teaching, research, scholarship, and personal study, as well as all uses permitted by law. You are encouraged to grant additional permission for third parties to reuse your work by applying one of the Creative Commons licenses or another appropriate open license.

Penn State has the right to withdraw and/or delete the Work without notice at any time, including to comply with the law or University Policy or if the Work’s content or metadata do not conform with the Content and Deposit Policy.